With a few tips, you will be able to easily light your Cookswell hibachi grill using eco-charcoal.

1: Open the air inlet door fully and remove the grill.
2: Light your charcoal using your preferred method below (chimney, firestarters, accelerant)
3: Wait about 15 minutes for the charcoal to fully light
4: Use the right amount of charcoal – for searing steaks you want a high heat, for cooking chicken you want a lower temp on the coal bed.
5: Use the primary air inlet to regulate flare ups and control the heat – closed is lower temperature, open is hotter.
6: Keep your hibachi clean, after each use empty out the ash box, mafuta tray, and give the grill a quick scrub.

Ways to light your charcoal:

Cookswell Chimney Starter

  1. place the starter on a heat safe surface
  2. add newspaper into the base of the chimney
  3. loosely stack charcoal inside the chimney
  4. continue feeding paper until the charcoal starts to light
  5. empty the lit charcoal from the chimney into your oven liner
Firestarters (sawdust and wax rolls)

  1. Loosely stack charcoal in the oven liner, a mix of small and medium pieces
  2. break a firestarter in half, and light one end
  3. put a few small pieces of charcoal on top of the firelighter – don’t overload, allow for airflow
  4. when the charcoal lights, add more pieces slowly to build up heat

  1. Place a few small pieces of charcoal on top of the firelighter – don’t overload, allow for airflow
  2. When the charcoal lights, add more pieces slowly to build up heat
  3. Loosely stack charcoal in the oven liner, a mix of small and medium pieces
  4. Add some fuel gel/kerosene on top of the charcoal
  5. When the charcoal lights, add more pieces slowly to build up heat